Posted by Josh
A few weekends ago we hosted our First Challenge America Summit. Among all of the amazing things we learned about competition-based innovation, we also had a great announcement from San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee. The Mayor's Office for Innovation has created a new Energy Data Challenge as an affiliate competition with the Night Rover Challenge. There's a lot happening in the energy data and energy storage worlds right now, but this is one of the best way's I've seen of open-innovation in this area. Here's a little note from the Mayor's Office about their new challenge:
Help change how San Francisco thinks about energy use! Have your idea built into an app! ImproveSF wants to hear your ideas on what would encourage you to share your energy use data. Did you know that your energy bill contains valuable information that can help us understand energy use patterns? It can help us create a greener San Francisco with tailored programs for different people, areas, and types of houses. But how do we encourage people to share their energy use data? Tell us your ideas for the chance to have your idea built into an app!
For more info and to compete:
And here is a bit more from the Official Press Release put out at our Challenge America Summit.
Now, go compete for the ImproveSF Energy Data Challenge while we wait for the Night Rover Challenge rules review from NASA.
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